
The Advantages of Keyless Entry by Space Plus

When you are considering alternatives to conventional key-based door entry, you should look into keyless entry systems. This type of system eliminates the needs for keys and makes it much easier and more secure to keep track of who is entering your business, healthcare facility, or building.

There are many different types of configurations offered in keyless entry systems, such as:

  • Inputting a Unique Code
  • Using an App on Your Smartphone
  • Scanning Your Employee ID Card

You can also use a combination of the above methods, as well as other devices, since keyless entry systems are fully customizable to your own specifications. To learn more about the benefits and advantages of keyless entry systems, we invite you to continue reading and reviewing the following infographic.

Afterward, if you have further questions or want to get started designing your own keyless entry system, please feel free today to directly contact Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company!


Beyond Doors: Transform Your Workspace with Space Plus Solutions!

At Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, we don’t just build the sturdiest, safest, most beautiful glass partitions and doors on the market. We also help businesses cut costs, improve health, boost, productivity, comply with government regulations, and become more sustainable. In other words, we provide so much more than doors; we transform space and elevate offices.

So, what makes our sliding glass doors so special?

They’re People-Friendly

At Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, we love people. That’s why we make doors that are easy to buy, easy to install, and easy to use. Starting with our safe-tempered glass and easy-glide track systems, we put safety and usability at the top of our agenda. We also offer a wide selection of ADA-compliant handles, so that organizations never have to worry about compliance and people with disabilities never have to worry about access.

They’re Environmentally Friendly

Our doors are easy on people and on the environment. Not only do we use eco-friendly materials, but our room partitions reduce energy use by allowing light, air, and heat to circulate from one space to another. That helps businesses save money and set themselves on a greener, more sustainable footing.

They’re Easy to Install

In most cases, if you want to install new doors or walls, you have to call in a construction team. You have to tear down existing walls and throw up new structural components. Not with glass office dividers and sliding glass doors from Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company. Since they don’t require  any structural support to the building, you don’t need to put your business on hold while you gather construction permits and gut your building.

They’re Custom Built

We don’t mass-produce our office partitions and glass door cubicles. Instead, we build each one to meet our client’s specific needs. The result is that our doors aren’t cookie-cutter “products.” They’re unique, custom-built interior design elements designed to fit the style and function of any work environment. By specializing only in manufacturing interior design solutions, we’re able to devote all of our time and energy to crafting the perfect door for any workspace.

They’re Versatile

Whatever kind of door you want, we make it—sliding, stacking, swinging, suspended. Need fixed glass walls? We make those, too. We also serve a diverse set of clients in nearly every industry.

Emergency rooms, doctor’s offices, clinics, and other healthcare facilities use our sliding doors and office partitions to create a clean, hygienic space. Patients get privacy when they need it, and the staff gets maximum visibility when they need it.

Hotels, restaurants, and conference centers and other hospitality venues install glass walls and room partitions to offer the best customer experience—a flexible mix of elegance, privacy, and visibility. Offices, schools, and government buildings use them to increase openness and versatility.

They Come Straight from the Factory

Most manufacturers suffer from a fragmentation problem. One company designs the products, another builds them, and yet another sells them. The problem is that one hand never seems to talk to the other. Quality suffers. The customer experience becomes a nightmare.

When you order from Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, you can be sure of one thing: We never subcontract our work out to others. All we do is cut out the dreaded middleman—we manufacture each one of our sliding doors in our own facility. That allows us to ensure quality, offer customized options, and provide personal service.

They Come with Real Service

From the moment you step into The Sliding Door Company showroom, you’ll come face-to-face with an incredible support team made up of inside and outside account executives. They’ll be there to offer guidance at every step of your interior design journey, helping you select the doors that are right for your project.

Contact Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, to experience the difference that quality, safety, and service make.


Let There Be Light! How to Make Happy, Healthy Employees!

Who knew something as simple as glass office partitions could transform your company? Here’s how Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, can help you bring in the light, and why that’s important.

Healthy employees are happy employees. Happy employees are productive employees. Productive employees make for successful companies.

Sounds like a simple enough equation, until you mull over the details. How do you empower your workers to stay in shape? How can business leaders give their team members the tools they need to stay on top of the ball?

Turns out, the easiest way is to let in the light.

The Dangers of a Windowless Life

Study after study has explored the relationship between lighting and health, as well as lighting and productivity. If they agree on anything, it’s that natural light works wonders for both the mind and the body, and that improves both focus and morale.

Take the well-known study conducted by Northwestern University’s Interdepartmental Neuroscience program, called “ opens in a new windowImpact of Workplace Daylight Exposure on Sleep, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life.”*

When researchers compared employees who with windows to those without windows, they found a significant disparity in wellbeing. Those who had the luxury of a window seat received almost 200 percent more white light exposure than those who didn’t. As a result, they received, on average, 46 more minutes of sleep per night.

That may not sound like a great deal until you consider the impact that a little sleep can have on a person’s emotional and physical wellbeing. Those who struggle to get adequate sleep tend to have weaker immune systems, higher rates of cancer, poorer focus, worse memory, and reduced attention span.

Those who work in offices without windows also opens in a new windowsuffer from depression at higher rates, experience hormonal imbalances and have trouble coping with stress and difficulty concentrating. In other words, working without natural light can negatively impact all those things your team needs to function at optimal levels.

The Many Health Benefits of Natural Light

On the flipside, those who work or study in well-lit environments tend to feel and perform better. That’s because sunlight:

  • Increases vitamin D production.
  • Regulates the body’s circadian rhythm.
  • Helps maintain a healthy sleep cycle.
  • Relieves eye strain associated with artificial light.
  • Mitigates the symptoms of depression.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

The takeaway? If you want a healthy, highly motivated team, you need to bring in the light—but how?

3 Three Ways to Increase Natural Light

There are many creative solutions to the light problem. Your best bet is to start with these three:

  1. Find an office with plenty of windows. The first solution is the most obvious, yet the most difficult. With office space increasingly sparse, it’s harder than ever to find real estate that features plenty of windows. If you can land a well-lit office space, the more power to you. If you can’t, there are still some things you can do to maximize the natural light you do have.
  2. Replace the cubicle with a glass wall. Office cubicles have a bad reputation, and for good reason. They’re ugly, they’re cumbersome, and they block light. If they’re not a relic of the past already, they should be. Glass office partitions, on the other hand, give you all the benefits of cubicles—privacy, noise reduction, foot traffic control—without the downsides (like being stuck inside a windowless box for at least eight hours every day).
  3. Install sliding glass doors instead of traditional doors. The more glass you have in your office, the more light will flow from room to room and space to space. That goes for walls, cubicles, partitions, and Basically, anywhere you can replace light-killing materials with glass, you should.

Most companies want healthy, happy employees. Helping them get there may seem like a giant task, but it’s easier than you think. With a simple office redesign, you can work wonders for overall well-being, morale, and productivity. Take a look at Space Plus’ innovative workspace solutions to find out how you can transform your office into an employee-friendly environment by letting in the light.


  1. opens in a new window
  2. * opens in a new window the authors also published the results in a paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies: opens in a new window
  3. opens in a new window