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Why Are Bi-Folding Doors So Awesome?

Introducing the newest addition to the Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, lineup—The Bi-Fold Door. Coming in May 2018!

Bi-fold doors got a bad reputation during the late 20th Century due to bad design and poor construction. At Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, we’ve set out to change that. We’re on a mission to revive this neglected space divider. Why do we care so much? Because the bi-folding door is nothing short of incredible. With the right design and quality manufacturing, they can work wonders for your interior.

6 Advantages of Bi-Fold Doors

They’re Unique – Bi-folding doors are a type of sliding door that folds out like an accordion. Instead of swinging out, sliding along the side, or disappearing into a recess, the panels stack up against the wall. In the past, most bi-folding doors of the past were constructed out of cheap wood (a key reason for their bad reputation), but newer, better models use higher-quality materials like tempered glass.

They Create a Nice Big Opening

Bi-folding doors are unique in that they both fold and slide, which opens up a lot of space, giving you full access to the other side. That makes them ideal for large walls, such as living room entryways or master suites. That’s also why bi-fold doors are the go-to option for large closets that span the length of a wall.

They Don’t Hog Space

Like all sliding glass doors, Space Plus’s glass bi-folding doors are great space savers. While not as discreet as pocket doors, they free up more space than traditional sliding doors since they don’t need to slide against an adjacent wall. Their ability to save space while creating a large opening makes them perfect for laundry rooms, mud rooms, closets—anywhere space is at a premium but full access is needed.

They Lighten Up a Room 

Doors made of glass let light flow from one space to the next. Since bi-folding doors take up most, if not all, of a wall, that can have a major impact on the look and feel of the room. In short, you can take your interior from gloomy to airy just by installing bi-folding glass doors.

They’re Perfect for Closets

When you think of bi-folding doors, you probably think of closet doors. Indeed, they’re a popular choice for closets because they offer full access to the contents inside, unlike sliding doors, which only give you access to half of the closet at any one time. Custom bifold closet doors give you the power to choose the size, glass style, and frame design.

They’re Easy and Safe to Use

Just slide them apart, and … voila! A full view! With Space Plus, you get doors that won’t pinch your fingers. Unlike the poorly designed doors of the past, our doors feature an anti-finger-pinching system that prevents your hands from getting stuck inside the folds. Finally, our doors require no bottom tracks or heavy wood suspension systems. Instead, we support our panels with pivots and smooth-gliding upper wheels. That makes them both easier and safer to use with safety you can trust!

Want to learn more about our bi-folding doors? Contact Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, to find out all about bifold closet doors sizes and bifold closet doors installation. Also, stay tuned to our site for full product descriptions coming in April of 2018.

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