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Optimizing Productivity in the Workplace

As the dedicated owner of a flourishing company, there are many factors to be taken into consideration when laying the necessary framework for a promising business. Some of these components are more obvious, such as meeting efficiency, ensuring all of your employees are well informed and able to make decisions, and of course- a fair amount of cohesion amongst all of your team members.

One thing that typically goes unnoticed and undervalued, is the physical environment in which you and your employees exist in each and every day. Spending countless hours indoors in the classic work environment of an office space can be taxing on just about everyone. It can strain the individual and consequently – the overall morale of a business. Or on the contrary, it can be exciting, productive and a joy to exist in. How can you set your company apart from others ensuring that your workers are happy, healthy, stimulated and able to provide the best possible work for a flourishing business? The first step is to take a look around at what already exists. Below, we have outlined a few questions to ask yourself when assessing your provided work environment and the necessary solutions.

glass wall

Does the existing office offer your employees the ability to work together while maintaining crucial productivity? 

Do you and your employees exist in a vast open space with communal desks and no partitions? Or do you work in tight quarters secluded to individual spaces? Neither of these options is the right or wrong answer- yet both of these offer equal opportunity to either provide or detract from your business. Your employees’ engagement in their workday depends largely on how the building is laid out. If it is an open space, is it one that offers cohesion, shared thought and teamwork amongst your employees? Or does it restrict conversation and sever creative free-flow. 

The free-flowing exchange of ideas can be one of your company’s greatest assets. Allowing and encouraging employees to easily communicate and brainstorm with fellow team members is a key component in innovation and creation. Work environments that do not offer a fluid surrounding suffer a great loss of unity and integration of objectives. Of course, space and solitude in any working environment are necessary and integral to successful production and typical workflow. One promising way to achieve both individual spaces yet offer integration amongst your employees is to install easily adjustable wall partitions and glass office dividers- offering options. This way, your employees can swiftly enter and exit work areas with the semblance of separation when needed. This innovation also offers an inviting feel to any office environment, boosting morale and allowing for teamwork.  This is a sure way to provide much needed and appreciated cohesion in the workspace.

sliding door

Is there ample light throughout the workspace? Or is it a windowless environment? 

Oftentimes we don’t necessarily have the choice or comfort of abundant light in the office. If you find yourself enduring a windowless or sparsely lit existence, we have a few helpful solutions to consider. One answer to this problem is to effectively open up partitioned office spaces to allow for necessary light to pass through when windows are not abundant. Space Plus, A Division of The Sliding Door Company, proudly provides a myriad of glass wall partitions to choose from that are designed intentionally with the workplace in mind. Ranging from glass wall partitions, sliding door room dividers and glass Wall Cubicles, Space Plus offers it all. Rather than obstructing views and hindering light with solid cubicle partitions, opt for more of a free-flowing approach allowing for beautiful light to pass through. The last thing you want as an employer is for your workers to suffer and tire from an arid environment. There is little to no inspiration there, and that diminished capacity translates into the quality of your worker’s content and productivity. 

Is the general atmosphere instrumental to production and enthusiasm for your team members? 

A great way to gain and retain successful employees is to provide a healthy space to create. To learn, grow, develop and produce. When employees are uncomfortable, strained and lack enthusiasm about their environment, it can me expectantly difficult to anticipate excellence from your team.

A few ways to ensure a positive working container is to take the small details into consideration. Can the office act as an extension of their home? In the sense that it offers comfort, sustained energy and contentment. Consider things like lighting, art on the walls, and stylish features that are overlooked every day. Smooth sliding glass doors offer the feel that you exist in a smart and modern working arena. Hanging doors that slide, such as Space Plus’s hanging glass barn doors provide a stylish and thought-provoking flourish to a normally ‘safe’ office space. Not only are the hanging glass doors a joy to slide open and close, but they signal that care and intention were thoughtfully consideration in respects to their working environment. Offered in addition to the doors themselves are a plethora of accessories and options to individually customize your products. From a variety of glass opacities to framing options and panel configurations, your unique choice is implied in our business model.

By adding thoughtful touches and well-considered features to your office environment, you set yourself and your employees up for successful work experience. After all, you want your workers to be inspired, productive and sustained at the beginning and end of each day.

To get started on your exciting office improvements, check out our products gallery for inspiration and product images. Schedule a call with one of our knowledgeable professionals to get a quote and other information on our many available solutions. Simply find a showroom near you and get that much closer to optimizing your offices for success!

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