
Office Interior Design Tips to Make a Great First Impression

Imagine walking into a deserted business lobby, and wandering aimlessly in search of help. This would immediately leave anyone frustrated as well as skeptical of the company’s professionalism.

You certainly want to avoid this situation in your own commercial space. Ensuring someone is prepared to greet clients is the first element in a long list of steps you can take to create a great first impression.

Keep reading for more suggestions to make your office unforgettable!

Create a visually stimulating atmosphere

An aesthetically pleasing entrance will set the tone and improve a guest’s mood instantly. Plants and creative art draw attention and help put clients and visitors at ease. For a modern office, try abstract art or a geometric display along with manicured plants or even a opens in a new windowliving wall. If the space is more traditional or transitional, consider big, lush plants and more traditional or photographic art.

Greet guests with a lobby sign

Everyone loves a unique introduction (and a hint of flattery). Use a wall-mounted or rolling chalkboard to create a simple message for your guests—something like, “Welcome, Jane Smith from The Company. We’re thrilled to have you here.” It’s a simple, inexpensive gesture that lets clients know you’re excited about their visit. These little impressions can go a long way—and maybe even steer a prospective client away from your competitor.

Show off your mission statement

Posting your mission statement and core values shows your clients that you care. Positioning it where it’s highly visible will also serve as a reminder to your employees of why they come to work every day. Just make sure employees live up your mission statement and that you inspire them by modeling the behavior you want to see!

Offer refreshments in waiting areas

Show you care about making visitors comfortable. With the large variety of single-serve coffee and tea makers available today, it’s easy to whip together a beverage cart for visitors to help themselves while they wait. Individually packaged snacks are a nice touch, too.

Elevate your office space with sleek sliding glass doors and partitions

The drywall is coming down in offices everywhere, and that’s a good thing. Sleek and modern opens in a new windowglass office dividers, partitions and sliding doors are taking their place. These versatile glass panels can be used in any number of configurations for conference rooms, reception areas, office cubicles, “huddle rooms” and more. They’re especially useful for adding privacy and creating distinct opens in a new windowspaces in offices with open floor plans. Plus, they instantly elevate the look of office space.

Brighten your space

Poor lighting systems can dampen the opens in a new windowmood and drain productivity. Along with a good temperature control system, quality lighting and fixtures are a must. Pay attention to areas where opens in a new windownatural lighting could potentially grace the space, but something is blocking its path. Clear glass walls may be the right solution to open and brighten the space. If your office isn’t blessed with plenty of natural light, it’s relatively inexpensive to retrofit the space with quality lighting. And, it doesn’t have to be one-size-fits-all. Today, customized lighting systems allow you to personalize lighting and color temperature in individual work areas.

Create an impressive office with Space Plus

The modern workplace needs state-of-the-art solutions. Enter Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company. Our glass office wall dividers and sliding doors can help you create dynamic spaces for every need—from workstations and conference rooms to lobbies, phone booths, common areas and more. These sleek and modern products are constructed of the highest quality tempered or laminated glass, customized to your taste with a variety of designs, glass types and frame finishes to choose form. The best part? Installation rarely requires a permit or major construction, so the process can stay efficient and within budget.

View our opens in a new windowgallery for inspiration and opens in a new windowreach out to our expert staff today to get started on the office interior of your dreams.


Modern Tech Offices Demand A New Level of Swank

It’s no new news that the modern tech industry has surpassed growth expectations, cemented its influence on every corner of modern society, and has moved into just about every major U.S. city. And not only does this tech/startup industry bring money, jobs, and modernization to each new locale it plants itself in, it brings a new wave of design inspiration to a city. From Los Angeles to Silicon Valley, Houston to New York, the business of technology is booming. And over the past decade, that’s meant a massive increase in new building construction, the reimagining of office spaces, and an absolute field day for commercial interior designers across the country. And as an interior designer yourself, surely the thought has entered the mind once or twice as to how exactly one goes about outfitting an expansive, highly coveted work environment for a well-regarded tech client.

Many like to assume that the classic techie is characterized as somewhat of a right-side-of-the-brain, analytically-minded type, but you’d be surprised how well modern Techies can sniff out good interior design versus a lackluster working environment. After all, they’re used to enjoying the fruits of the industry, which undoubtedly have trickled down into everything from their business trips to their comfortable, stylish coworking spaces. So, creating a working environment for these tech brains to create, play, and work within is crucial in their success- both as individuals and as team members. Not only does great interior design help aid their ability to work, but it is also a symbol of the industry’s success, worth, and prestige. With top clients and brands visiting the office often, it’s important to have a well-considered space to host meetings and to showcase work in, among other practicalities. And let’s face it: there’s also simply a bit of indulgence present in the industry. Not a bad thing!

Luckily, being the interior experts we are at Space Plus, a division of The Sliding Door Company, we have the answers you’ve been asking yourself for too long. (We know, sometimes it’s hard to ask for help!) Below is our must-have interior check-list we hope provides you with enough inspiration to get started designing for your new tech clients in the years to come!

First things first: Start with square footage.

As a designer, you need to be able to understand how much room and space you’re working with. Knowing your limitations and how much available space you get to fill is a crucial first when setting out to design a new work environment. This blank canvas is the “skeleton” of your new project that allows you to conceptualize the floor plan before you move on to furniture, desk configurations, and decor. Measure, photograph, and model the space before doing anything else. Creating a map of your intended layout is key!

Next: Begin the Modernization- but make it art.

Our suggestion? Start with the framework before adding in the artful accouterment. This would be everything from wall finish, to doors, office walls, and dividers to material choices. For example, by selecting ultra-modern, well-made sliding glass doors, and office wall partitions, the entire space becomes instantly more functional, updated and contemporized from the start. Instead of continuing with bland office doors, elevate the surrounding space with modern glass pocket doors, and other sliding glass doors that offer both easy and stylish aesthetic. You can decide to go with completely transparent glass, highly opaque for more privacy, and everything in between.

Fill it With Furniture!

Trust us, your clients will appreciate a well-considered furniture selection that offers both comfort and creativity. Even in offices, furniture can be a defining characteristic of the space. Especially when designing a coworking environment, you’ll want to provide thoughtful communal spaces for employees to relax in and bounce ideas back and forth within a comfortable, neutral space. Consider designing multiple seating areas amongst the office with plenty of coffee tables and accent chairs for team members to use during the workday. Create little privacy hubs by installing wall dividers and glass wall partitions to block off visibility from lounge to lounge. These artful spaces are also great to use for casual client meetings!

Next, provide the space with thoughtful juxtapositions. By mixing soft and sleek materials like shearling chairs and velvet couches with raw, earthy opposites like wood and metal you’re able to create interest and intrigue. The combination of indoor/outdoor space is a new must-have in today’s busy and populated world- especially for techies! Provide some much-needed greenery into the office to soothe and freshen the space. Pick houseplants that do well indoors and don’t require much maintenance!

So, there you have it. Our top design tips and tactics can be used as inspiration to help aid your new tech project from the start! Visit Space Plus, A Division of the Sliding Door Company online for your up and coming commercial needs including glass office dividers, privacy walls, and sliding room dividers. View our online catalog, Get a quote from one of our professionals today, and order the perfect office partitions and sliding doors you need to ensure safety for all online at

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Wellness Facilities Enjoy Recent Success Amid COVID 19

This year has worked in mysterious ways, birthing and destroying entire industries almost overnight, and defining the new normal for each of us in our daily lives, and in business. It’s true that this year, entire businesses have crumbled while others effortlessly take flight. From the travel tourism industry to restaurants, car sales, and theme parks, these once heavy-hitting industries are experiencing a tremendous downturn while Covid restrictions and fears remain in place. Yet one industry that has positively thrived during this global crisis, is the modern wellness facility. It’s no coincidence that people have health on their mind more than usual this year, though admittedly, the current cultural zeitgeist has, without question, turned towards a more health-centered lifestyle. From vegan food to yoga obsessed

What exactly are wellness facilities?

These modern meccas are any and all health and wellness businesses that promise to improve your physical or mental well-being through a wide range of different therapies, or products that claim to aid your physical self. These businesses range from the now infamous CryoTherapy to Yoga Centers, Immunity Boosting tonic bars, to Stretch Labs (where you pay to be stretched by a professional).

What’s more, many of these health and wellness facilities have managed to stay afloat by assuring their clientele that their facility is safe and responsible during this global pandemic. So what kind of precautions and steps have these cutting edge businesses undergone in order to retain relevance during a panic-driven global pandemic?

Client Screening

One of the best ways that wellness facilities have safeguarded their establishments from spreading the virus has been by extensively screening their clientele. Oftentimes, appointments must be scheduled in advance and the facility will only allow a number of visitors at a time to protect everyone’s safety. And because most wellness facilities require person-to-person contact or at the very least, close proximity to the practitioner, extra steps have been taken to ensure safety for both parties. Pre-screening methods such as temperature checks, extensive questionnaires, recent travel information and symptom assessments have been made to protect against the virus.

Strict Sanitation

Secondly, thriving wellness facilities have made sure that their facility is expertly cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected between visitors to ensure a safe space for people to enjoy. Most facilities now have a full time cleaning staff on each day to keep a well-maintained environment for everyone. Wiping down surfaces often, such as Glass Wall Partitions and glass room dividers is an absolute must during all open hours of the day. Additionally, masks and gloves are worn by practitioners and in most cases, required by clients upon arrival into the facility.

Spatial Distancing

For facilities that allow multiple clients in at one time, they’ve had to implement strict spatial solutions throughout the floor plan in order to cut off potential contamination between patients and practitioners alike. Many facilities are choosing to use state-of-the-art glass wall partitions made by Space Plus, a Division of The Sliding Door Company, in order to achieve a perfect medium of “separate but together”. Celebrated for their durability, these free-standing glass partitions are made from real glass, and come in all sorts of flexible configurations and customizable options. With their new line of Qubi Glass wall partitions, Space Plus makes it easier than ever to outfit your wellness facility with the dividers your business needs to survive. These sliding wall partitions and Glass Room Dividers are offered in hundreds of varying configurations, shades of opacity, and unique locking and handle systems. And because they are so uniquely customizable, you can choose a system that integrates flawlessly into your facility and actually improves the overall aesthetic of your interiors with a modern upgrade! The best part? The company delivers and installs your personal systems in less than a day! That means no major construction, no disruption to the workday, and top-notch professionalism every step of the way.

By putting these spatial solutions into your wellness facility, you can ensure the safety of your dedicated staff, employees, and your customers against the winter flu season and COVID-19. For more ideas, inspiration, and related blogs, head over to Space Plus, a Division of The Sliding Door Company for all the best in commercial space-saving solutions! From Bi-Fold doors to swing doors, wall dividers to suspended systems, Space Plus has it all! Schedule a free consultation with one of our showroom professionals and order your very own custom Qubi Glass Partitions today!

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Tips on How to Flourish During The Workday

We’ve all been there; tired, stressed, overworked and mentally exhausted during your workday. You glance over at the clock and your fears were correct, it’s not even close to 5 o’clock and you are far from finishing your daily tasks. Why is it you find yourself so spent day after day at the office? Perhaps it’s easily attributed to poor quality of sleep. Or maybe it’s because you aren’t living your work life as authentically and ambitiously as you could. Well, fear not, for we come bearing positive news. There are a number of healthy lifestyle choices, mental exercises and flourishes you can employ into your 9-5 to keep you jazzed, increase your quality of life, and make some serious headway on those all-consuming deadlines you’ve been running from. Read on for the secrets to flourishing during your (once dreaded) workday.

  1. Practice intentional breathing

While this may sound all too new-age for you, just consider how completely important the act of breathing is. The effect that breath has on our all-around mental and physical health is unparalleled. Though, despite the voluminous amount of findings that prove how impactful conscious breathing is on our lives, many of us tend to cast this very simple practice to the side. While at work, try to integrate mindful breathing into each hour. Start with twenty deep breaths every top of the hour. This will only take you the better half of a minute, yet the effects will generate so much lastly positivity on your whole being. Then, once you master that, increase the amount of deep breathing to 30 breaths, then forty, and so on until you reach five full minutes of deep, intentional breathing per hour. Not convinced? Try it at least twice before deciding it’s not for you.

   2. Build awesome relationships with your coworkers- and your boss!

Many employees report that a big cause for unhappiness during the workday is caused by a feeling of separateness amongst their coworkers or floormates. See if you can change this lack of closeness and human connection by asking one of your team members to have lunch with you a few days a week. Just having thirty minutes to talk with and learn about someone else’s life will significantly reduce feelings of separation. You may come to find you’re not alone in these feelings of solitude.

  3. Get outta that chair!

This one is super important. As humans, we were not physically (or mentally) designed to sit in a chair for eight-plus hours a day. Make a concerted effort to get up, walk around, stretch, and move your body a few minutes every hour or so. This act will get your blood pumping and flowing properly again, which will also flow to your brain and as a byproduct, increase your mental capabilities exponentially.

  4. Bring the gym to you

If you don’t have a gym that you frequent after your workday, and you can’t find the time during your lunch break to get up and be active, considering bringing the gym t you. Bring weights, a yoga mat, and even an exercise ball to the office if space allows. Especially if you enjoy your own office space, why wouldn’t you want to get up and enjoy some light exercise every few hours to maintain physical health and mental wellbeing? Yoga can be the answer to stagnant blood flow, stress, work-induced anxiety, and being overwhelmed. Yoga also forces you to breathe deeply, which will check #1 off your list.

  5. What’s fueling you?

It’s so important to carefully consider what you are consuming throughout your workday. While there are so many opportunities for us to make unhealthy dietary choices at work, this is where mental strength comes into play. Physicians strongly recommend packing lunch in the morning to bring to work with you. Not only with a homemade meal be a lot healthier, but it’s typically a lot cheaper and environmentally sound than ordering takeout or Grubhub every day. Try to avoid too much boredom snacking and sugary coffee drinks, as these will simply turn into stored fat as your body sits for hours and hours without being able to burn it.

  6. Create an office oasis

Crafting a serene surrounding office environment will seriously brighten your daily work experience. Consider bringing in low light houseplants, art for the walls, personal photographs and knick-knacks to personalize your space. Ask management about installing a glass office door so that you don’t feel so boxed in and closed off from the outside world. Often times, office partitions aren’t very well-considered, and therefore they can tend to detract from employees’ happiness and ensuring productivity.

  7. The power of thought

Though at times it can be understandably difficult, try to maintain a positive mental outlook and attitude, both internally and externally. The power of positive thought is growing more and more curiosity and testing because science is finding a direct correlation between people living longer and healthier who practice positive thought, and who surround themselves with positive people. Be that person in your office that spreads and inspires infectious positivity.

  8. Stop procrastinating!

Of course, this one is easier said than done. However, procrastination can have a seriously unhealthy impact on your mental health, which then effects (you guessed it!) your physical wellbeing, too. We procrastinate for a number of reasons, ranging from fear to inability, and from insecurities right down to pure laziness. Does it ever result in a positive outcome? Nope. Cut it from your life. Procrastinating only adds drama and stress to your life- both things we’re aiming to reduce.

  9. Become a sun worshipper

If at all possible, talk to your boss or management about the possibility of introducing glass walls and translucent office partitions into the open floorplan of your workspace. This will allow for so much beautiful (and necessary) natural light to free flow through the interiors and lift everyone’s spirits, boost morale and create a healthier inside environment for everyone to enjoy.

  10. Crank the tunes!

This one may seem silly, but trust, this is one of the best possible ways to increase happiness, stimulate your senses and add some serious ambiance to an otherwise dull workday. Latin jazz and Cuban dance music are known to add some vibrance and flavor to the atmosphere- don’t be surprised if you feel the urge to get out of your chair and dance a few steps of salsa (before your coworkers spot you, of course).

With all of these creative solutions to enhance your mood, your physical health, and your overall working experience, you have all the wonderful ingredients to create the idyllic workday and lifestyle centered around balance week after week! Make the move towards crafting a desirable workspace, and visit Space Plus, A Division of the Sliding Door Company for ideas and inspiration. Get a quote from one of our professionals to begin the transformation today.


Optimizing Productivity in the Workplace

As the dedicated owner of a flourishing company, there are many factors to be taken into consideration when laying the necessary framework for a promising business. Some of these components are more obvious, such as meeting efficiency, ensuring all of your employees are well informed and able to make decisions, and of course- a fair amount of cohesion amongst all of your team members.

One thing that typically goes unnoticed and undervalued, is the physical environment in which you and your employees exist in each and every day. Spending countless hours indoors in the classic work environment of an office space can be taxing on just about everyone. It can strain the individual and consequently – the overall morale of a business. Or on the contrary, it can be exciting, productive and a joy to exist in. How can you set your company apart from others ensuring that your workers are happy, healthy, stimulated and able to provide the best possible work for a flourishing business? The first step is to take a look around at what already exists. Below, we have outlined a few questions to ask yourself when assessing your provided work environment and the necessary solutions.

glass wall

Does the existing office offer your employees the ability to work together while maintaining crucial productivity? 

Do you and your employees exist in a vast open space with communal desks and no partitions? Or do you work in tight quarters secluded to individual spaces? Neither of these options is the right or wrong answer- yet both of these offer equal opportunity to either provide or detract from your business. Your employees’ engagement in their workday depends largely on how the building is laid out. If it is an open space, is it one that offers cohesion, shared thought and teamwork amongst your employees? Or does it restrict conversation and sever creative free-flow. 

The free-flowing exchange of ideas can be one of your company’s greatest assets. Allowing and encouraging employees to easily communicate and brainstorm with fellow team members is a key component in innovation and creation. Work environments that do not offer a fluid surrounding suffer a great loss of unity and integration of objectives. Of course, space and solitude in any working environment are necessary and integral to successful production and typical workflow. One promising way to achieve both individual spaces yet offer integration amongst your employees is to install easily adjustable wall partitions and glass office dividers- offering options. This way, your employees can swiftly enter and exit work areas with the semblance of separation when needed. This innovation also offers an inviting feel to any office environment, boosting morale and allowing for teamwork.  This is a sure way to provide much needed and appreciated cohesion in the workspace.

sliding door

Is there ample light throughout the workspace? Or is it a windowless environment? 

Oftentimes we don’t necessarily have the choice or comfort of abundant light in the office. If you find yourself enduring a windowless or sparsely lit existence, we have a few helpful solutions to consider. One answer to this problem is to effectively open up partitioned office spaces to allow for necessary light to pass through when windows are not abundant. Space Plus, A Division of The Sliding Door Company, proudly provides a myriad of glass wall partitions to choose from that are designed intentionally with the workplace in mind. Ranging from glass wall partitions, sliding door room dividers and glass Wall Cubicles, Space Plus offers it all. Rather than obstructing views and hindering light with solid cubicle partitions, opt for more of a free-flowing approach allowing for beautiful light to pass through. The last thing you want as an employer is for your workers to suffer and tire from an arid environment. There is little to no inspiration there, and that diminished capacity translates into the quality of your worker’s content and productivity. 

Is the general atmosphere instrumental to production and enthusiasm for your team members? 

A great way to gain and retain successful employees is to provide a healthy space to create. To learn, grow, develop and produce. When employees are uncomfortable, strained and lack enthusiasm about their environment, it can me expectantly difficult to anticipate excellence from your team.

A few ways to ensure a positive working container is to take the small details into consideration. Can the office act as an extension of their home? In the sense that it offers comfort, sustained energy and contentment. Consider things like lighting, art on the walls, and stylish features that are overlooked every day. Smooth sliding glass doors offer the feel that you exist in a smart and modern working arena. Hanging doors that slide, such as Space Plus’s hanging glass barn doors provide a stylish and thought-provoking flourish to a normally ‘safe’ office space. Not only are the hanging glass doors a joy to slide open and close, but they signal that care and intention were thoughtfully consideration in respects to their working environment. Offered in addition to the doors themselves are a plethora of accessories and options to individually customize your products. From a variety of glass opacities to framing options and panel configurations, your unique choice is implied in our business model.

By adding thoughtful touches and well-considered features to your office environment, you set yourself and your employees up for successful work experience. After all, you want your workers to be inspired, productive and sustained at the beginning and end of each day.

To get started on your exciting office improvements, check out our products gallery for inspiration and product images. Schedule a call with one of our knowledgeable professionals to get a quote and other information on our many available solutions. Simply find a showroom near you and get that much closer to optimizing your offices for success!